Category Archives: Insights

Insights: Poppies

November 8, 2015

Signed and sealed…

After a couple of weeks working on my poppies, it is time to call it done, and I love it!

Here is my final rendition of Poppy Surprise.  Enjoy!







October 27, 2015

The oil painting continues…

Like many artists, they have more than one project going on at once, and this is certainly the case for me.

I continue to watch PBS to brush up on my oil painting skills with many of their wonderful TV opportunities. I am very happy to have stumbled onto the Beauty of Oil Painting with Gary. This show offers numerous instructional series, but one in particular, Poppy Surprise, really grabbed my attention. Of course, anything with flowers really captivates my creative spirit.

With the use of my TV remote control clicking back and forth and going over and over the instructions, I decided to pick up my paint brush and give it a try.

I need a miracle to reach the expertise of this husband and wife duo. They make it look so easy, but believe me it isn’t. I definitely need to reserve plenty of time to develop my poppy skills especially if you compare my poppies to the two experts.

Here is my rendition of Poppy Surprise.  Same picture just a different view point. 





My rendition was never intended to be a replica of Poppy Surprise.  My painting is my training course.  I will continue to work and build upon my painting and see where it leads.

Here’s to trying…



“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics